
Thank you for accessing our website and Application Website URL- https://profinitygroup.com/ Application URL is- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.business.profinity . This site and application is owned by PROFINITY GROWTHWAY PRIVATE LIMITED.  By accessing, Website and Application, you indicate your unconditional acceptance of these terms & conditions. We reserve this right, in our sole discretion, to update or revise these terms & conditions. Continued use of the site and application following the posting of any changes to the ‘terms & conditions’, constitutes your acceptance of those changes. At Website and application, we try our best to create a space where you can explore and use numerouse financial sevices and other related services in a safe and secure environment. All products and information displayed on Application Website URL- https://profinitygroup.com/ and Application (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.business.profinity ).

Personal Information:-

 Encompasses details about the Customer obtained in connection with the Services.


 denotes the downloadable file enabling Mobile Banking access.


 Refers to the website owned, established, and maintained by Profinity Group located at the URL www.profinitygroup.com.

All references to the Customer in masculine gender within this document shall be deemed to include the feminine gender.

Applicability of Terms and Conditions:-

These terms and conditions, along with the Customer’s registration accepted by Profinity Group, shall form the foundation of understanding between the Customer and Profinity Group. They shall be subject to terms agreed upon between Profinity Group and other service providers. In case of conflict between general terms and conditions for any particular customer and those contained herein, the latter shall prevail.


The Customer shall register with Profinity Group for service usage through methods provided by Profinity Group, following prescribed forms and processes.

The completion of service registration is contingent upon Customer authentication through verification methods stipulated in usage terms or at Profinity Group’s discretion in their absence.

Services activation is subject to the Customer fulfilling all activation terms to Profinity Group’s satisfaction.

Availability & Disclosure:-

Profinity Group endeavors to provide Customer services determined at their discretion. They reserve the right to decide offered services and make changes or deletions.

However, Profinity Group reserves the right to discontinue services without prior notice in case of:

  1. Regulatory guideline/statutory rule changes.
  2. Breach of these Terms and Conditions by the Customer or its Authorized Signatories.
  3. Fraudulent, criminal, or illegal use of the Facility by the Customer or its Authorized Signatories.

Note: This service’s availability may vary based on handset configurations and minimum application requirements. The Customer is solely responsible for protecting their Mobile Password Identification Number (MPIN) or Mobile Phone Number and any password provided by Profinity Group for service usage.

MPIN will be set during registration, and the Customer should change it regularly for safety. The Customer grants Redmil Business Mall express authority for transactions and instructions authenticated by the MPIN.

If the Customer forgets the MPIN, resetting it through the “Forgot MPIN” tab in the Mobile application is possible by validating the One Time Password (OTP) sent to their Mobile Phone number. Profinity Group holds no responsibility if the Customer incurs loss due to information disclosure involving the correct Mobile Phone number and Password/MPIN. The Customer indemnifies and holds Profinity Group and affiliates harmless in such cases.

The Customer is advised to disregard any emails requesting user details. Profinity Group or its employees will never ask for online banking Password/MPIN, etc.

Profinity Group endeavors to promptly execute instructions. However, they are not liable for delays due to operational system failure, legal requirements, mobile network issues, or partner platform failures.

Funds Transfer through Wallet:-

The Customer is responsible for entering the correct account number for fund transfer requests. Profinity Group is not liable for erroneous transactions resulting from wrong account numbers or amounts entered by the Customer.

Profinity Group is not liable for missed or late payments due to circumstances beyond reasonable control.

Profinity Group reserves the right to charge for fund transfer requests as per displayed Fee/Charge schedules. The transfer may involve sending funds from the wallet to Customer-linked bank accounts under the Reserve Bank of India’s Electronic Fund Transfer system.

The Company is not liable for errors, disruptions, non-deliveries, delays, interruptions, or service failures during fund transfers.

Authority to Profinity Group:

The Customer irrevocably authorizes Profinity Group to access their wallet for executing Customer transactions through the services.

Profinity Group may engage third-party service providers to execute Customer requests.


All transaction records maintained by Profinity Group arising from Service usage, including transaction timestamps, shall be conclusive proof of transaction genuineness and accuracy. The Customer expressly grants Profinity Group authority to record transaction details.


All service instructions shall be provided through the Mobile Phone Number as indicated by Profinity Group. The Customer is responsible for instruction accuracy and authenticity, deemed sufficient for service usage.

Instructions entered using the Customer’s Password/MPIN are considered directives from the Customer. The Customer acknowledges that information/instructions will be transmitted, stored, and accessed by Profinity Group personnel. Profinity Group is authorized to provide information to facilitate service provision and instruction execution.

Accuracy of Information:

The Customer agrees to provide accurate information and bears responsibility for its correctness supplied to Profinity Group at all times. Profinity Group is not liable for consequences due to erroneous Customer-supplied information. If the Customer suspects an error in information supplied by Profinity Group, they should promptly inform Profinity Group, which will endeavor to correct errors on a best-effort basis.

Profinity Group aims for information accuracy supplied to the Customer but shall not be liable for unintentional errors leading to inaccurate information. The Customer holds Profinity Group harmless against any loss resulting from inaccurate/incorrect information.

Limits on Transfers:

Profinity Group reserves the right to refuse instructions for fund transfers or limit/block transfers to specific persons. Transaction limits may be set and modified by Profinity Group.

Transaction limits are subject to change by Profinity Group for security and regulatory compliance. Such changes will be communicated to the Customer.


The Customer shall indemnify and hold Profinity Group harmless from all actions, claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses incurred as a consequence of acting upon or refraining from acting on any instructions given through the service.

The Customer shall indemnify Profinity Group for losses due to service failure or delay resulting from cellular network failure.

The Customer indemnifies Profinity Group against losses incurred if:

  1. Others use the services through unauthorized means.
  2. Others access the Customer’s mobile phone due to negligence or leaving it unattended.


The Customer agrees and authorizes Profinity Group, at their discretion and without prior notice, to monitor and record phone conversations or electronic communications between the Customer and Profinity Group employees.

Service availability or non-availability will be communicated through email, the Profinity Group web page, or in writing as deemed appropriate by Profinity Group.

Proprietary Rights:

Profinity Group will inform the software necessary for service usage, but they are not obliged to support all software versions. The Customer acknowledges that the underlying software is the property of respective vendors and accessing the application does not grant proprietary or ownership rights. The Customer agrees not to modify, disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer the underlying software or create derivative products.


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