
What is Mutual Fund ?

It is a trust that collects money from a number of investors who share a common investment objective.

A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools funds from investors and invests in equities, bonds, government securities, gold, and other assets. Companies that qualify to set up mutual funds create Asset Management Companies (AMCs) or Fund Houses, which pool in the money from investors, market mutual funds, manage investments, and enable investor transactions. Mutual funds are managed by sound financial professionals known as fund managers, who have the expertise in analyzing and managing investments. The funds collected from investors in mutual funds are invested by the fund managers in different financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and other assets, as defined by the fund’s investment objective.

Industry Growth

From March 2007 to March 2023, the industry’s AUM went way up from 357,691 crores to a huge 4,671,688 crores. This growth proves how much the industry has kept improving every year. It’s a big leap that shows how strong and full of potential the industry is for the future.
100 Cr+
AUM as on March 2007
100 Cr+
AUM as on March 2023

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SIP Growth

From March 2016, with a gross sale of SIPs at 3,351, rising impressively to 16,298 by October 2023, the growth of SIPs has been remarkable! This substantial increase highlights the benefits of investing in SIPs.

Investing in SIPs is a smart choice—it’s straightforward, keeps you disciplined, and caters to investors, regardless of their investment capacity. This significant surge in SIPs indicates that more people recognize the reliability and practicality of SIPs as an investment option. It’s an excellent opportunity to steadily grow your money over time and explore avenues for earning.

Monthly SIP GS (up 30% YoY) rose to Rs16,928 cr in Oct’23 vs Rs 13,041 cr in Oct’22

SIP accounts rose to a record 7.30 cr in Oct ’23, up 23% YoY

Avg SIP size up at Rs 2319 p.m. (highest in 19 months) vs Rs 2198 p.m. last year

Oppurtunities in Mutual Fund

In India, approximately 3.7 crore individuals, roughly 2% of the population, actively engage in SIP and Lumpsum. investments, demonstrating a substantial interest among investors. In contrast, in many other countries, around 65% of the population participates in similar investment opportunities.

On the other side, when considering distributors, there are approximately 1.37 lakh mutual fund distributors in India, forming only 0.1% of the total population. This highlights a vast field of opportunities for individuals keen on becoming distributors and facilitating investment avenues for others.

This disparity between the number of investors and distributors unveils a remarkable potential for growth and expansion within both realms—the broad scope for individuals to invest and the equally vast field for those interested in becoming distributors and enabling investment opportunities for others.

Become a mutual fund Distributor partner with Profinity

Profinity Mutual Fund App is your passport to financial prosperity. Join us, and you will not enjoy only attractive income but also become a distributor of Mutual funds. Invest in both national and international brands from anywhere in India. Let’s embark your Every Step towards Earning. Download Profinity Mutual Fund from the Play Store and take your step towards Earning

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Know About Business Model

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risk. Please Read Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy carefully before investing.


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