Founded in 2009, Profinity has rapidly grown into a prominent B2B fintech company, redefining the landscape of banking and financial services. We are partnered with over 200 top brands, creating a robust network that spans the nation. Our platform empowers more than 10k+ partners from every corner of the country, enabling them to provide premium services to their clients and achieve remarkable earnings. With Profinity, our partners are not just earning—they’re thriving and setting new standards of success in the industry.
Work From Home Job Opportunity
Position: Virtual Relationship Manager (VRM)
Earn up to ₹30,000 per month
Job Overview
You have to assist Channel Partners to grow their business.
You have to make calls on the data that is provided by Profinity team
Provide ongoing support and resolve queries.
Help partners to maximize their business potential through the app.
How it works
Step 1-
Learn how to earn by using the application with 7 days of free training from Profinity's expert team.
To offer quick assistance, seek help from your team head when needed
Step 2-
Make use of the tools provided by us-
Verified True caller ID
Personal software for calling
Data for calling
Step 3-
Teach partners how to use the app and earn money every day
Qualifications and Skills
Minimum Graduate from any stream.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Tech and Application friendly like you must know about the use of Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Phone Pay, Google Pay, BHIM
You can earn up to ₹30,000 per month
Flexible working hours.
Comfortable with remote working tools and platforms.
Opportunity to work with a leading company.
Attractive incentives and performance bonuses
Comprehensive training and development programs
*T & C
You should have –
Android Smart Phone
Proper sitting arrangement
Minimum working hours should be 12 hours in a week.
The working and earning part will be briefed in your interview Round.
My HR internship was really helpful in understanding how companies hire and manage employees. I got to help with sorting resumes, organizing interviews, and even learning about employee benefits. The team was really supportive, and they taught me a lot about HR processes.
Lavanya kesarwani
IILM University, Greater Noida
My finance internship was an amazing experience! I got to work with financial reports, help with budgeting, and even learn about forecasting. The team was really supportive and explained things clearly when I didn’t understand something.
Chetna Gyanchandani
Virendra Swaroop Institute of Computer Studies, Kanpur
My internship in HR was a great way to learn about the different aspects of human resources. I helped with employee onboarding, updating records, and working with the payroll system. The best part was learning how important communication and teamwork are in HR.
Rishita Singh
CSJM University, Kanpur
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